Wednesday, May 20, 2009


Have u ever thought of something way out of your mind?
When loneliness and emptiness has dominate your whole soul?
When u realize,u were dumped in the middle of nowhere?
When u felt tired of hearing your silence screamer?
When u know u had no more rights?
When u didnt know how to deal with the world?
When u know u got to deal with the truth?
When the truth was so damn hurt?
When hurts came in all of the sudden?
When everything suddenly slipped away?
When everything suddenly disappear?
When everything suddenly becomes nothing?
And the only thing that was left in your tiny grasp..
is a razor blade..

Here is the story of who i really was..

About 2 years ago..
I was a very confused person.
I didnt have much friends,i liked being alone.
I've been frustrated so many times in so many ways..
I rather stay inside my room writing and smoking and talking to my reflection than being outside.. i like living in my own world.i love writing. writing makes me think.
and when i started to think,ill think hard. the harder i think, the worse my mind trapped me.. until...
there was one night..
I was lying there in the bathroom floor..
Crying myself out..
o god can u imagine that? it was,like,so EMO?! :p
I was in in the middle of situation of "rage against myself"
I was completely lost,horribly sad,.so sad..
yeah,i was...sad
I couldnt stop crying.. i thought the world was not fair, i couldnt live my life any longer,i hated myself,bla bla bla... fuck them all bla bla bla..

"im gonna kill myself",
the ghost whispered into my ears make it sounded like me..

(2 b continue..)

1 comment:

  1. o........
    u must to be a strong.......
    no matter happen to you.....
    to you life.....
    thats your destiny......
    but u must remember the destiny can change.....
    change by your own.....
    with your self..........
    be patient okay...........
